It is preferred that for maximum time the students may stay at Academy to settle themselves mentally, physically and spiritually to the competitive life trend of the world. The Boarders are not sent on summer vacation for 45 days rather they are sent for 30 days only. For 15 days they are taken for summer camp against nominal payment. During this time they are given lessons in light music, painting, trekking, photography, face reading and graphology along with completing their home work. During vacation of 30 days, they are given a project work of their choice to complete the same during their vacation and present the same to the respective teacher while reporting back after the vacation. If the project work is not produced on reporting back, the evaluation of the project work would not be counted in internal assessment for Annual Examination.
SASA organize Annual Function to highlight the achievements of its students every year. The students who excel in education, sports and other co-curricular activities are honoured. The students who make a place worldwide they are also recognized.
In addition to Annual Function SASA celebrates FIRTI triennially. FIRTI stands for Function for Internationally Reputed Talented Indians. In this function at least five Indians who achieve a Global Name in the field of Education, Sports, Services, Medicine & Administration are invited to the Academy to talk to the students. On this occasion they are honoured as Role-Models of the Society. By now, Academy honoured Madam Kiran Bedi, Dr T.S. Kler, Dr. (Mrs.) Rupa Saini.
Co-curricular activities like: Science Modeling, Mud Modeling, Dress Designing, Interior Decoration, Declamation, Cooking, Sewing, Building Planning and Weekly Quiz Programmes on all subjects are on the working schedule of the Academy. The classes in music and classical dances are also undertaken. The students are also given lessons in Scientific Divinity considering that man is not flesh & bones only but also a spirit.
The Academy believes in the great quote of Saint Augustine “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” So, tours and travels are integrated part of the education. It is always suggested to the parents and students, studying with the Academy, to go on annual/monthly tours. The Academy is a member of various bodies of UNO and worldwide Educational concerns. So, the students avail the chances to visit every corner of the world every year. The parents aspirant of their ward to visit across the border are expected to get the Passport of their ward ready when he/she passes the fifth standard with the Academy. During the offer International Tours the parents are informed minimum three months before and they are told to put on an application to the International Co-ordinator of the Academy for their willingness along with the security money (which is refundable/adjustable after the visit) but such a security money must be claimed back while putting an application to the International Co-ordinator of the Academy within the 15 days after their visit.
During any tour within and out of India students are not expected to keep with them expensive wrist watches, Jewellery, cell phones, cameras, expensive clothes, electronic equipments, PEN drives, I-Pod, tablets etc. with them. Found guilty for having such an item, the student are fined Rs. 5000/- per occasion and in such a case these unauthorised goods are not returned to the student rather are taken in Academy accounts. Students are expected to pack up according to ‘Articles List’ given to them and only authorise sum of cash is allowed to keep.