Messages from Director

Sukhjinder Singh
Sahibzada Ajit Singh Academy (SASA) is one of the India’s most successful and popular boarding schools.
We offer pupils a friendly & caring community of learning in which their abilities and talents are developed by superb teachers. We aim to produce confidence, versatile young people, capable of high achievement and of rising to any challenge.
Learning at SASA is not limited to the classroom or the national curriculum. One of our aims is to coax hidden or undeveloped talent in to fruition. Another is to support individual ambition. We provide opportunities, resources and purpose-build facilities for a wide range of creative, sporting and intractual activities for all ages. Should any encouragement be needed, our House System gives everyone a wonderful opportunity to try something new.

Our commitment to safe guarding and well being comes from the heart. Providing all pupils with genuine warmth and support throughout their school life is central to everything we do. SASA is a friendly environment with many of the characteristics of a close family, and we know from feedback that this is evident from everyone who visits.
Our House System gives an added sense of belonging and encourages older pupils to support younger ones. Our pastoral system promotes and rewards good social skills and consideration for others. As a result, friendships formed at SASA often endure for many years and unit Nationalities and cultures.
We encourage pupils to strive for high personal standard to treat other with respect and kindness and to be responsible for the consequences of their action. This is reinforced by assembly themes and by the many leadership opportunities given to pupils. Younger pupils share and learn about their faiths together. All pupils learn about world religion, Philosophy and ethics. Involvement in vital issues is stimulated while working with children and schools in other countries.